Opening Doors to the High Quality

Modern technology is one of the most important element in improving production and developing business, confirms Aleksandar Savić, the owner of the Roloplast enterprise from Valjevo Thanks to the support of the European Union, this family business has procured equipment that will reduce production and energy costs, and improve the quality of products.

Aleksandar Savić and his wife worked for a long time in jobs related to the purchase of PVC joinery, but seven years ago with assistance of a friend, he entered the world of entrepreneurship for the first time. "My wife and I wanted to start a family business for years, so when we received an offer from a friend to buy machines, we decided to start our own production of PVC joinery," Aleksandar recalls the opening of the Roloplast in 2014. Five years later, the Savićs family found out about the EU PRO public call and decided to apply in order to get a grant to procure additional equipment in order to develop faster, easier and better production.

"We applied for the EU PRO public call in 2019 at the initiative of our accountant, who knew that we needed additional, and expensive equipment to improve our business," Aleksandar says and adds "It was the first time we applied for any donation and we were really happy that we got the opportunity to procure a tool for assembling window parts, a saw, a vacuum cleaner, an air compressor. Thanks to the EU donation, we hired as many as three new workers. Now that we have 13 employees, we can respond to the demand of the market. Our clients are very satisfied, and although we receive recommendations and praise every day, we will strive to develop the business further”.

TheRoloplast enterprise has improved the conditions of schooling in a village school near Valjevo in the domain of socially responsible activities. "Our little means a lot to someone. That is why I am glad that with our contribution we have provided the most modern carpentry for the kids who stay and learn there every day. We plan to help another school in Leskovice, so that the children in the village have the best possible schooling conditions ", Aleksandar Savić ends his story with satisfaction.

In addition to this enterprise, the European Union, in cooperation with the Ministry of European Integration, supported more than 200 small businesses in the regions of Šumadija and Western Serbia, Southern and Eastern Serbia with more than 4.3 million Euros through the EU PRO programme. The funds were used to purchase new equipment with which companies improved production and competitiveness and created new jobs.

Through the activities of the EU PRO programme, the European Union contributes to the more balanced socio-economic development of Serbia with a total of 25 million Euros. The programme aims to contribute to increasing the competitiveness of micro and small enterprises, improving the business environment and strengthening social cohesion in 99 local self-government units, in two regions: the Region of Šumadija and Western Serbia and the Region of Southern and Eastern Serbia. The activities in the field are implemented by UNOPS.


Last updated: February 28, 2025, 14:09